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Prince Hall Mason's have been in the State of Oregon since 1887, primarily from Jurisdictions of OREGON AND ITS JURISDICTION North Carolina, South Carolina, Illinois, Iowa, Missouri, Ohio, Oklahoma, Washington and California. At one time both California and Washington Jurisdictions had Lodges in the city of Portland. This predicament existed for a period of seventy-three years (1887-1960). During these seventy-three years much discussion took place concerning assessments, taxes, and other finances that were being sent to other Jurisdictions and benefiting Grand Lodges and Officers not residing in Oregon.


On January 25th, 1891, a club was organized, and its membership consisted of Master masons from the several Jurisdictions named in the above paragraph of the Prince Hall Grand Lodges of the States named therein; Brother John C. Logan, a member of the said club, called together its members for a meeting on May 13, 1891, at 6 1/2 SW Washington Street, Portland, Oregon for the purpose to organize a U.D. Lodge of Master Masons; Most Worshipful Grant Master J.H. Smith of the Grand Lodge of the State of Illinois, AF&AM, being present at this meeting, started the formation of Enterprise Lodge, U.D., the said formation was completed on May 18, and May 25, 1891, and remained so until October 14, 1891, when it was chartered as Enterprise Lodge No. 47, AF&AM, by the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of the State of Illinois, to be located in the City of Portland, County of Multnomah, in the State of Oregon.


On December 14, 1891, the first officers of the new Lodge were elected and installed, as follows:

  • Brother F.H. Frazer, Worshipful Master

  • Brother John C. Logan, Senior Warden

  • Brother J.E. Colbert, Junior Warden

  • Brother W.L.B. Plummer, Secretary

  • Brother C.A. Ritter, Treasurer

  • Brother W.R. Handy, Senior Deacon

  • Brother Wm. Wheeler, Junior Deacon

  • Brother W.S. Carr, Chaplain

  • Brother E.H. Williams, Senior Steward

  • Brother Fred D. Thomas, Junior Steward

  • Brother G.W. McMurry, Tyler

  • Brother M. Bell, D.D.G.M.


Brother John C. Logan was elected Worshipful Master of Enterprise Lodge No. 47, AF&AM, in 1895 and 1896; appointed District Deputy Grand Master in 1895 for the first Grand Master of the Most Worshipful United Grand Lodge of the State of Washington and its Jurisdiction, AF&AM.


A general assembly of Master Masons was called to meet in the City of Seattle, Washington, in April 1903, for the purpose of organizing a Grand Lodge. The following is an extract from the records of that session:

"The members of Enterprise Lodge No. 47, AF&AM, of Portland, Oregon; Inland Empire Lodge No. 53, AF&AM, of Spokane, Washington (chartered in 1901); Washington Lodge No. 49, AF&AM, of Seattle, Washington (organized in 1897); all working under the Jurisdiction of the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of the State of Illinois and its Jurisdiction, recognizing their great distance of (2,500) miles from, and their inability to, within a short time, communicate with Grand Officers, of their Jurisdiction on matters of importance, constantly arising which demanded the attention of the highest delegated authority, the rapid increase in number of renegade Masons in their midst, and their inability to protect themselves from the action of unscrupulous ex-masons. And for many other reasons too numerous to mention, decided, after a conference held in the City of Seattle, Washington, on the 13th day of April 1903, by delegates from the above named Lodges, called for the purpose, to erect a Grand Lodge; a constitutional number of Warranted Lodges being represented by the proper officers, a Grand Lodge was then erected, to be known as the Grand Lodge of Washington and Oregon, AF&AM.


The following Grand Officers were elected:


  • J.C. Logan of Portland, Oregon - Most Worshipful Grand Master

  • B.R. Carl of Spokane, Washington - Right Worshipful Deputy Grand Master

  • H.F. Bellamy of Seattle, Washington - Right Worshipful Grand Senior Warden

  • C.C. Crawley of Everett, Washington - Right Worshipful Grand Junior Warden

  • G.S. Bailey of Seattle, Washington - Right Worshipful Grand Lecturer

  • J.E. Hawkins of Seattle, Washington - Right Worshipful Grand Secretary

  • Fred D. Thomas of Portland, Oregon - Right Worshipful Grand Treasurer


Compass Lodge, under the Grand Lodge of Illinois, surrendered its Warrant to Illinois and joined the Grand Lodge of Washington and Oregon, AF&AM.

At the Stated Communication of August 3, 1903, Enterprise Lodge No. 47, AF&AM, of the State of Illinois, at Portland, Oregon, received a new Charter from the Most Worshipful United Grand Lodge of the State of Washington and its Jurisdiction, AF&AM, dated July 1, 1903, as Enterprise Lodge No. 1, AF&AM of the State of Washington and its Jurisdiction; and returned its Charter as Enterprise Lodge No. 47 AF&AM, of the Jurisdiction of the State of Illinois, back to the Grand Lodge of Illinois, the same was received by that Grand Lodge on October 13, 1903, and canceled as of that date.


On December 1, 1903, the first election of officers of Enterprise Lodge No. 1, AF&AM, Jurisdiction of the State of Washington, elected, and installed on December 15, 1903, as follows:


  • Brother W.L.B. Plummer, Worshipful Master

  • Brother John W. Payne, Senior Warden

  • Brother Sam Reddy, Junior Warden

  • Brother Thomas Johnson, Treasurer

  • Brother W.D. Allen, Secretary

  • Brother H. Spraulls, Senior Deacon

  • Brother George N. White, Junior Deacon

  • Brother J.M. Mitchell, Chaplain

  • Brother R.A. Logan, Senior Steward

  • Brother Wm M. Olfin, Junior Steward

  • Brother Mack C. Oliver, Tyler


In 1906, Guiding Star Lodge No. 6 of North Yakima, Washington was organized and received its Charter from the Grand Lodge of Iowa; it deeming the title of Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of Washington and Oregon to be irregular, and consequently remained under the Grand Lodge of Iowa until the word "Oregon" was dropped, and the name Most Worshipful United Grand Lodge of the State of Washington, and its Jurisdiction, was adopted.


Subsequently Guiding Star Lodge No. 6, AF&AM, of North Yakima; Cascade Lodge No. 8 of Roslyn, and Trinity Lodge No. 7, of Seattle, all in the State of Washington, on the advice from the Grand Lodge of Iowa, which did not desire to infringe upon the Jurisdiction of another lawfully established Grand Lodge, and as the Grand Lodge of Iowa recognized the Most Worshipful United Grand Lodge of the State of Washington and its Jurisdiction to be, but did not recognize the Grand Lodge of Washington and Oregon, AF&AM, joined the Most Worshipful United Grand Lodge of Washington, and its Jurisdiction, AF&AM; and today we have seven Lodges, working under our Grand Jurisdiction; viz., Enterprise Lodge No. 1, of Portland, Oregon; Washington Lodge No. 2, of Seattle, Washington; Inland Empire Lodge No. 3, of Spokane, Washington; Cassia Lodge No. 5, of Tacoma, Washington; Guiding Star Lodge No. 6, of Yakima, Washington; Cascade Lodge No. 8, of Roslyn, Washington; and Evergreen Lodge No. 9, of Everett, Washington.


The first style and title of the Grand Lodge was the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge AF&AM of the State of Washington and Oregon. On the 20th day of July 1906, the Grand Lodge filed Articles of Incorporation, signed by John C. Logan, Benjamin J. Angelles, C.C. Crowley, Charles S. Parker, J.E. Hawkins, S.S. Freeman, Henry J. Asberry, F.A. Stokes and W.D. Allen under the name "Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons (African) of Washington". A Committee of Union of the Grand Lodge reported in 1907, as follows: "That the title 'African Grand Lodge of the State of Washington, and its Jurisdiction, F&AM,' which includes Enterprise Lodge No. 1; Washington Lodge No. 2; Inland Empire Lodge No. 3; Compass Lodge No. 4; Cassia Lodge No. 5; and Guiding Star Lodge No. 6, be changed to read: 'The Most Worshipful United Grand Lodge of Washington and its Jurisdiction, F&AM,' and included in addition to the above, Trinity Lodge No. 7, and Cascade Lodge No. 8." Report adopted the same and recommended that all Lodges having seals with the letters 'AF&AM be changed to read 'F&AM' as this will be in accord with the Seal of the Grand Lodge. Adopted 1907.


The consolidation of Washington Lodge No. 2 and Trinity Lodge No. 7, to form Harmony Lodge No. 2, F&AM, at Seattle, Washington. Trinity Lodge No. 7 voted for the union June 14, 1910, and Washington Lodge No. 2 voted for the union June 20, 1910. Both lodges met on March 6, 1911, transacted their business, dissolved their lodges, returned their Charters to the Grand Lodge, and petitioned for a new Charter. The Most Worshipful United Grand Lodge of Washington and its Jurisdiction F&AM, on March 23, 1911, granted the new Charter. Harmony Lodge No. 2, F&AM, was formed by the Grand Lodge on April 3, 1911.


During the Fortieth Anniversary of Excelsior Lodge No. 23, F&AM, working under the Jurisdiction of California and assisted by some of the Brothers and Sisters of the Jurisdiction of the State of Washington, Past Master George W. Kenny was asked to give a brief historical sketch of this lodge in Portland, Oregon. Brother Kenny had been a member ever since it started and the only surviving Charter member consented to do so with a sense of pride, as well as a pleasure and honor for the privilege. A Masonic Club was formed into a U.D. Lodge prior to July 1914, and in July 1914, this same organization was chartered and constituted "Excelsior Lodge No. 23, F&AM, Prince Hall Affiliation to be located at Portland, Oregon. The first officers were as follows:


  • O.R. Johnson, Worshipful Master

  • H.M. Gray, Senior Warden

  • George W. Ellison, Junior Warden

  • E.C. Thomas, Treasurer

  • Chas. H. Lew Hubbard, Secretary

  • L.A. Williams, Senior Deacon

  • Franklin Owens, Junior Deacon

  • Foster Cain, Senior Steward

  • S.A. Simms, Junior Steward

  • Chas. Williams, Tyler


During the 103rd Annual Communication of the Prince Hall Grand Lodge F&AM, California and Jurisdiction held on July 20-23, 1958 with Excelsior Lodge No. 23 being the host lodge with Worshipful Master Robert H. Dillard in control.


There is a Prince Hall Grand Lodge in nearly all of the States working in peace and harmony, a credit to themselves and an honor to the Fraternity, all descending from the Mother Grand Lodge of London, England, through Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Boston, Massachusetts.

On July 11, 1944, the name of the "Grand Lodge of Washington" was changed to read "The Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Washington and its Jurisdiction, F&AM" for the purpose of combating unrecognized Masonry among Negroes.


Records indicated that in 1959 the Prince Hall Masonic Temple of Portland was up and running with the following organizations involved at that time:


  • Enterprise Lodge No. 1, F&AM

  • Enterprise Chapter No. 6, OES

  • Mt Hood Chapter No. 16, OES

  • Excelsior Lodge No. 23, AF&AM

  • Willamette Consistory No. 23, AASRM

  • Beaver Lodge No. 38, F&AM

  • Mina Temple No. 68, Shrine

  • House Hold of Ruth No. 844

  • Rose City Lodge No. 929, Brotherhood Railway Carman of America, AFL-CIO

  • International Brothers of Firemen & Oilers, Local No. 958

  • New Northwest Lodge No. 2554, G.U. Order of Odd Fellows

  • Searchlight Chapter, OES, U.D.

  • Obukan Judo Dojo Inc

  • Billy Webb - Elks


Members of the Temple Association were listed as follows:


  • Mr. Arvell W. Denton, Chairman

  • Mr. James L. Wasson, Secretary

  • Mr. Willie Whitley

  • Mr. Freddie E. Williams

  • Mr. Treval Mason

  • Mr. Benjamin Robinson

  • Mr. William Brown

  • Mrs. Treval Mason

  • Mrs. June Wagner

  • Mrs. Irene V. William

  • Mrs. Grace Purcell

  • Mrs. Beatrice Mason

  • Mrs. June Wagner

  • Mrs. Benjamin Robinson


During a regular meeting of the Temple Association held on January 8, 1960, a motion came on the floor to add other Prince Hall Masons in the city to the Temple Association. Membership was approved for Beaver Lodge No. 38 F&AM and Searchlight Chapter No. 19, OES.

The Temple Association continued to operate until the Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Oregon was organized in June 1960.


Consequently, an assembly of Free and Accepted Masons convened in the Prince Hall Masonic Temple, 116-120 NE Russell Street, Portland, Oregon on March 30, 1960. This assembly was convened to organize a Grand Lodge in the Oregon area. Brother Freddie E. Williams of Portland, Oregon was appointed Chairman and Brother James L. Wasson of Portland was appointed Secretary.

On meeting, this assembly of Prince Hall Free and Accepted Masons deemed it proper to organize a Prince Hall Grand Lodge for the State of Oregon. It was agreed by the assembly that a communication be addressed to the Worshipful Masters, Wardens and Brethren of the several Lodges in this State informing them that April 16, 1960 had been selected as the date for an assembly of delegates duly authorized to organize a Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge of the State of Oregon.


On April 16, 1960, a convention of Free and Accepted Masons met at 116-120 NE Russell Street in the Prince Hall Masonic Temple in Portland, Oregon. The Worshipful Masters present constituting a Committee on Credentials reported that there was in operation in this State, the required number of legally constituted Lodges to authorize the formation of a Grand Lodge. A Lodge of Master Masons was opened and the Charters of these Lodges - Enterprise Lodge No. 1 (originally from the State of Illinois and then later from the State of Washington); Shasta No. 36 (originally from the State of Washington); and Beaver No. 38 (originally from the State of Washington) - were examined and found to be in order. Representatives of this assembly of April 16, 1960 were Elijah Graham, Robert D. Bird, and Freddie E. Williams. The following facts were ascertained:


Enterprise Lodge No. 1 had been chartered twice: the first time as Enterprise No. 47 dated October 14, 1891 under the Seal of the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge Ancient Free & Accepted Masons, PHA of the State of Illinois and Jurisdiction: F.H. Frazer, Worshipful Master. The second Charter as Enterprise Lodge No. 1, dated July 1, 1903 under the Seal of the Most Worshipful United Grand Lodge, PHA, of Washington and Jurisdiction. The Charter authorized W.L.B. Plummer, Worshipful Master; J.W. Payne, San Reddy, and others to open a Lodge in Portland, Oregon to be called Enterprise Lodge No. 1.


On July 11, 1944 the Grand Lodge of Washington changed its name to read "The Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Washington and its Jurisdiction, F&AM."


The Charter of Shasta Lodge No. 36 dated July 14, 1953 with the Seal of the Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Washington and its Jurisdiction authorized Brothers Ralph Redman, Worshipful Master; Clifford Joiner; Leo Washington; and others to hold a Lodge in Eugene, Oregon. Representatives at this Convention of April 16, 1960 were Brothers Clifford Joiner; Ralph Redman; and C.B. Mims.

The Charter of Beaver Lodge No. 38 dated July 14, 1954 with the Seal of the Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Washington and its Jurisdiction, authorized Brothers Wm. C. Mitchell, Worshipful Master; Johnnie Micheaux; and Alfred E. David to open and hold a Lodge in Portland, Oregon. Representatives to this Convention of April 16, 1960 were Brothers James P. Varner, Worshipful Master; Alfred E. David; and Roosevelt Creal.


The Assembly was assured that there were the required number of just and legally constituted Lodges in successful operation in this State to authorize the formation of a Grand Lodge for the State of Oregon. The representatives of the fully empowered Lodges to operation in this State - Enterprise Lodge No. 1, Shasta No. 36, and Beaver No. 38 then proceeded to organize a "Convention for the formation of a Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge for the State of Oregon." Brother Freddie E. Williams was elected Chairman and Brother James L. Wasson elected Secretary of the Convention.


In addition to the Lodge representatives, the following Brothers were admitted to the Convention as members: James L. Wasson, Arvell W. Denton, Wm. N. Ray, Charles Rawlins, Harry S. Payton - Ira Cheatam and Benjamin Robinson as proxies.


A committee was appointed by the Chairman to Draft a Constitution for a Grand Lodge. Members of the Committee were: Brothers James L. Wasson, Arvell W. Denton, Charles Rawlins, James P. Varner, Clifford Joiner, and Alfred E. David.


On April 23, 1960 the report of the Committee on the Constitution was considered, accepted and adopted in section. An election and installation of Grand Officers for this newly formed Grand Lodge was held with the following results:


  • Freddie E. Williams, Most Worshipful Grand Master

  • Arvell W. Denton, Right Worshipful Deputy Grand Master

  • Roosevelt Creal, Right Worshipful Grand Senior Warden

  • Clifford Joiner, Right Worshipful Grand Junior Warden

  • James L. Wasson, Right Worshipful Grand Secretary

  • Robert D. Bird, Right Worshipful Grand Treasurer

  • Charles Rawlins, Right Worshipful Grand Chief Executive Board of General Purposes


Most Worshipful Grand Master Freddie E. Williams appointed the following Grand Officers:


  • Claude C. McCorvey, Grand Chaplain

  • Harry S. Payton, Grand Marshall

  • Elijah Graham, Grand Senior Deacon

  • James P. Varner, Grand Junior Deacon

  • Ralph Redman, Grand Standard Bearer

  • James N. Cantrell, Grand Sword Bearer

  • Henry W. Worthen, Pro-Tem, Grand Orator

  • Benjamin Robinson, Grand Assistant Secretary

  • William N. Ray, Grand Historian

  • Belvin Williams, Grand Pursuivant

  • Johnnie Micheaux, Grand Lecturer

  • Alfred E. David, Grand Senior Steward

  • Chauncey O. Hays, Grand Organist

  • Lee C. McClinton, Grand Tyler


On motion it was thereby resolved that the Lodges constituted under the Jurisdiction of the Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Oregon be recognized by their original names and they be numbered according to the date of their Charters, therefore:


  • Enterprise Lodge No. 1 will be Enterprise Lodge No. 1

  • Shasta Lodge No. 36 will be Shasta Lodge No. 2

  • Beaver Lodge No. 38 will be Beaver Lodge No. 3


The total membership was 112 and the Grand Lodge received from the Temple Association in 1964 clear title to the property at 116-120 NE Russell Street, Portland, Oregon.


In 1940, Rocky Mountain Lodge No. 4 in LaGrande, Oregon was chartered under the Seal of the Most Worshipful United Grand Lodge PHA of Washington and its Jurisdiction. A communication was received over the signature of Freddie E. Williams, Chairman and James L. Wasino, Secretary, stating that a convention would assemble April 16, 1960 for the purpose of organizing a Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge for the State of Oregon. Although no representative from Rocky Mountain Lodge attended this Convention, an affirmative vote had been cast by the members to become a chartered Lodge of the newly formed Grand Lodge for the State of Oregon, and it received the number 4. chartered April 16, 1960. Elected and installed officers were:


  • Amos Morris, Worshipful Master

  • William Torrence, Senior Warden

  • Jos. Hillard, Junior Warden

  • Julius Coleman, Secretary

  • J. Blassby, Treasurer


This Charter was picked up in 1988 due to the lack of Master Masons in the local area.

The Logan Lodge No. 5 in Portland, Oregon was chartered October 31, 1960. Five members of St. James Masonic Lodge (Non-Prince Hall) petitioned to Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Oregon to form a Prince Hall U.D. Lodge. Most Worshipful Grand Master Freddie E. Williams granted the request. In October 1960 a Charter was granted under the Seal of Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Oregon and its Jurisdiction, signed by Grand Master Williams. The new Lodge was named and numbered (John) Logan Lodge No. 5. Several Brothers of the dissolved Excelsior which was under the Jurisdiction of California, but located in Portland, were also received as members of this Lodge.


Officers duly elected and installed were:

  • John W. Shorter, Worshipful Master

  • Jeffries Carter, Senior Warden

  • Floyd Booker, Junior Warden

  • Vern Summers, Secretary

  • C.C. Fair, Treasurer


This Charter was picked up in 1997.


The Acacia Lodge No. 6 in Portland, Oregon was chartered January 7, 1963. The Charter of Excelsior Lodge No. 23 was given under the Seal of the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge, PHA of California in July 1914. The Lodge eventually surrendered its Charter to Prince Hall Grand Lodge of California. A majority of its members went into Prince Hall Lodges already established in the Oregon Jurisdiction. Some members of Excelsior Lodge No. 23 chose to form a new Lodge, Acacia Lodge No. 6. The new Lodge was chartered under the Seal of Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Oregon and its Jurisdiction, signed by the Most Worshipful Grand Master Freddie E. Williams.


Officers elected and installed were:

  • Wm. B. Odom Jr., Worshipful Master

  • Robert Canada, Senior Warden

  • Eddie Butler, Junior Warden

  • Joe Lee Lewis, Secretary

  • Willie Whitley, Treasurer


The Sabre Lodge No. 7 in Mountain Home, Idaho was chartered June 21, 1964. On June 21, 1964 Most Worshipful Grand Master Freddie E. Williams traveled to Boise, Idaho to grant a Charter under the seal of Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Oregon and its Jurisdiction, to a Prince Hall Masonic Club. Deputy Grand Master Roosevelt Creal, Right Worshipful Grand Senior Warden Robert H. Dillard, Right Worshipful Grand Junior Warden Thomas R. Vickers, Right Worshipful Grand Secretary James L. Wasson accompanied him.

Officers elected and installed were:


  • Willie A. St. Claire, Worshipful Master

  • W.E. Murray Clopton, Senior Warden

  • Ernest M. Kearney, Junior Warden


Most of the members of the Lodge were military and transfers were frequent with membership fluctuating. Finally, due to the diminishing membership, the Charter was turned over to Brother Andrew Horton, a non-military member.


In 1966 Most Worshipful Arvell W. Denton received a letter from Brother Alwyn Taggart, a member of a Prince Hall military Lodge of Wiesbaden, Germany requesting to organize a Lodge in Mountain Home, Idaho and affiliate it with the nearest Prince Hall Grand Lodge. Grand Master Denton informed Brother Taggart that there was a Charter in Boise, Idaho (a short distance from Mountain Home), under the Seal of the Grand Lodge of Oregon, but the present membership was very small due to military reassignments.

In April 1967 Grand Master Denton and eight of his Grand Officers traveled to Mountain Home to make ten new Masons for Sabre Lodge. The following officers were elected and installed:


  • Alwyn S. Taggart, Jr., Worshipful Master

  • Charles D. Howard, Senior Warden

  • John E. Byrnes, Junior Warden

  • Wayne King, Secretary

  • Andrew Horton, Treasurer


Through the rest of the years, the Lodge grew from ten 10 to 34 members and continues to grow.

Northern Lights Lodge No. 8 in Great Falls, Montana was chartered June 29, 1971. On June 9, 1970 a Prince Hall Masonic Club petitioned the Grand Lodge of Oregon to establish a new Lodge in Great Falls, Montana to be named Northern Lights Lodge No. 8. On June 24, 1970 Most Worshipful Grand Master Elijah Graham authorized the formation of Northern Lights Lodge, U.D. with the following officers:


  • Willie H. St. Claire, Worshipful Master

  • Ezre C. Smith, Senior Warden

  • Earl R. Anderson, Junior Warden

On June 29, 1971 a Charter was granted under the Seal of Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Oregon and its Jurisdiction, signed by Grand Master Elijah Graham. Others duly elected and installed were:


  • Russell Parker, Worshipful Master

  • Wilbur Brown, Senior Warden

  • Joseph Sosthand, Junior Warden


Unity Lodge No. 9 in Klamath Falls, Oregon was chartered on October 1, 1983. On October 1, 1983 Most Worshipful Grand Master Andrew Childs traveled to Klamath Falls to confer a Charter under the Seal of Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Oregon to Unity U.D. Lodge. He was accompanied by Wm. B. Odom Jr., PGM; Robert H. Dillard, PGM; Clarence Hatton, Grand Treasurer; John T. Blow, Grand Secretary; Velma Bush, Grand Trustee; Clifford Joiner, Grand Trustee, Grand Worthy Patron; Charles Sanders, Past Master, Beaver Lodge No. 3; James H. Wallace, Worshipful Master, Beaver Lodge No. 3.

Officers elected and installed were:


  • Edward Daniels, Worshipful Master

  • Phillip Alexander, Senior Warden

  • David Craddock, Junior Warden

  • Hilliard Blanchard, Secretary

  • Emilie Graves, Treasurer


During the ensuing years all the lodges continue to prosper and grow. During the administrative leadership of Grand Master Hampton W. Wright additional property for a new Grand East was purchased on North Interstate Avenue, Portland, Oregon. During our 33rd Annual Communication in June 1993, a copy of the deed for this property was presented to the Grand Lodge.


During the period of 1993-1999 our membership began to decline, but the Grand Lodge pressed on with the designs on our trestleboard. In June 1998, due to the lack of an agreement as to what we should do with the property on North Interstate Avenue, it was sold. The Grand Lodge was able to see a very large profit from this sale, which was shared with the Grand Chapter. Also during Grand Session, June 1998, a motion was placed on the floor to sell the property on 116 NE Russell Street. After much discussion the motion passed and the Building Committee was given the authority to pursue the sale of this property. During our 39th Annual Communication held on June 1999, it was reported that the building, along with the profit from the sale of the Interstate property, gave the Grand Lodge a good cash flow to pursue a new Edifice.


In 2000 at the 40th Annual Communication of the Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons for the state of Oregon and its Jurisdiction it was voted that the name of the Grand Lodge be changed to the Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons for the states of Oregon, Idaho, and Montana. The name change became official in 2001.


As a closing note, to date we now have 28 States, 7 Canadian Provinces, and 4 Countries that have extended recognition to the Prince Hall Grand Lodges.

©2024 by Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Oregon, Idaho, and Montana.

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